Thursday, October 31, 2019
Edgar Allen Poe's The Cask of Amontillado Essay
Edgar Allen Poe's The Cask of Amontillado - Essay Example Montresor avenges some unspecified insult inflicted on him by Fortunato and thus buries him alive. Significantly, the cause for the murder is rendered insignificant and the maneuvers and the actual execution of murder gain prominence in the story. The paradigm of sacrifice enters the story in the instance where Montresor warns Fortunato against staying in the damp catacombs for the latter seems to have a cough. Fortunato’s reply that a cough shall not kill him compounds the irony in the story and anticipates his predicament. However, it also highlights a kind of unstated willingness on Fortunato’s part in the scheme planned by Montresor. There is a suggestion that Fortunato may have subconsciously accepted the fate which awaited him. It is here that the numerous parallels between Fortunato’s murder and Christ’s crucifixion enter the story. The theme of revenge drives the plot of the story. The metaphor which encapsulates this theme is the motto on Montreso r’s family coat of arms which proclaims Nemo me impune lacessit ("No one insults me with impunity") (Poe, 99). The symbol which shows a foot crushing a snake while the snake’s fangs are set in the foot is reminiscent of Christian theology. The snake is often identified with the Adversary or Satan and thus represents the figure of the avenger in Montresor. Montresor can also be said to be reminiscent of Judas, Jesus’ friend who betrayed him. Fortunato’s meek submission to his fate and the heinous manner in which he was killed, coupled with his last words "For the love of God, Montresor!" (Poe, 101) yet again emphasize the theological underpinnings of the story. The unmistakable parallels between Christ’s death and Fortunato’s murder are seen also in the fact that Montresor kills Fortunato in the catacombs which are hallowed spaces. The very name Fortunato which means ‘fortunate or blessed’ seems to be ironic. Despite the many similarities in their predicaments, Fortunato unlike Christ lies in a desolate tomb, unknown to the world, without having accomplished much for the greater good of mankind. The many points of confluence and departure between Christ and Fortunato perhaps constitute a certain existential questioning that the story brings about regarding the place of virtue and sacrifice in the modern world. This rendition of Fortunato as a modern, albeit ironic adaptation of Christ is done by keeping the original insult inflicted on Montresor deliberately ambiguous. The fact that much of our understanding of the story is mediated by Montresor’s subjective opinion brings about a significant subversion of conventional spiritual or theological narratives in which the murderer or the sinner is seldom given a chance to express himself. It may be well said that journey undertaken by Montresor and Fortunato to the wine cellars and ultimately to the catacombs assumes the character of a pilgrimage. The ironic reversal however lies in the fact that the journey is made for the precious Amontillado and not for any ostensible spiritual quest. The murder of Fortunato further subverts the motif of the pilgrimage and conjures the image of aborted spiritual endeavors in the modern world. The spatial and temporal settings of Poe’s story significantly shape its thematic concerns. It is important to note that the story is set in an indeterminate year in Italy during the carnival of Mardi Gras. In
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
MIH512-Demography and Health (Module 5-CBT) Essay
MIH512-Demography and Health (Module 5-CBT) - Essay Example This indicates low fertility and low mortality and is also known as constrictive pyramid. The population pyramid displays population percentage of ages 1-14 under 30 percent and ages 75 and above over 6 percent and is hence considered an "aging population"(U.S.Census Bureau, 2009). The expansive pyramid in the current year is because of increased birth rates and death rates. Mexico is a developing country and has many factors which contribute to high birth rates and death rates. However there have been improvements in food supply, sanitation and education which contribute to decreased disease states and increased life span. When death rates decline, it contributes to rise in child population. Lowering of death rates is simultaneous with lowering of infant mortality rates which contributes to increased child survival. Thus, there will also increase in the number of children, adolescents and younger adults. It has been estimated that in 2050, both birth rates and death rates will lower which will contribute to the stable pyramid shape (U.S.Census Bureau, 2009). Fall in birth rates is likely to happen because of increase in wages, contraception, urbanization, reduction in subsistence agriculture, fall in the value for child labor, improvement in women status, ris e in education of women, rise in investment of parental money for the purpose of education of children and other social changes in general. Death rates are also projected to fall because of increase education, awareness, medical interventions, sanitation, hygiene and cleanliness. Demographic transition may be defined as a shift of rates of birth and death from high to low. Mexico is now in the second stage of demographic transition and is almost entering the third stage. This is because, close to 50 percent of the population is 25 years of age or even younger (U.S.Census Bureau, 2009). The fall in death rates, including infant mortality rate has
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Importance of Cost Reduction and Control
Importance of Cost Reduction and Control Assignment on financial principles and techniques Introduction Strategic investment decision making indicates the process of identifying, evaluating, and selecting among projects which are more likely to have significant effect on the organizations competitive advantage. More clearly, the decision influences what the organization does (i.e., the set of product and service attributes that are offerings of the organization), where it does it (i.e., the structural characteristics that determine the scope and geographical dispersion of organizations operations), and how it does it (i.e., the set of operating processes and work practice).The strategic investment decision making process is arguably one of senior management greatest challenges. It is significantly needed to get these decisions right. If the decision is successful, the firm can enjoy strategic as well as operational advantage. But while the decision proves wrong, either a potential opportunity is lost or it has needlessly spoiled substantial resources (through fruitless investment). Som e traditional approaches to strategic investment appraisals which include payback, accounting rate of return, return on investment, residual income, and discounted cash flow have been criticized on the basis of a number of grounds. Some main criticisms are their narrow perspective, exclusion of nonfinancial benefits, overemphasis on the short-term, faulty assumptions about the status quo, inconsistent treatment of inflation, and promotion of non-value adding behavior. Task 1 Cost Reduction Techniques. Cost reduction means reducing cost associated with production or other cost activities without affecting the quality of product or service as well as activities. Through cost reduction procedures or techniques managers reduce cost. For this they develop different cost reduction techniques. The success of any organization largely depends on how strategically cost is managed compared with that of competitors. It certainly provides competitive advantage which is essential in this hyper competitive market or business world. As the manager is the higher authority of any organization, they are to develop different types of policies and strategies to run the business successfully. Processes of Cost Reduction: Identify the Saving Make your prediction on saving Measure the process prior to adjustment Make the cost saving change Measure the process after Confirm saving has been made and it hasnt impacted other areas to make a loss. If YES move onto next project. If NO go back to the beginning and start again. Appropriate Costing System: Cost that is allocated to units of production can be actual cost or standard cost. In an actual or historical cost system, cost is allocated as they occur. Under standard costing system, product operations and process are costed through using standard for both activities and dollar amount. These standards are predetermined in advance of production. The actual cost system and standard cost system can be used with either job order or process cost accumulation approaches. Job order costing is applied to job order work in factories, workshops and repair shops as well as to work by builders, construction engineers and printers. A variation of the job order cost method is that of costing orders by lots. In the shoe manufacturing companies for example, a contract is typically divided into lots which consists of 100 to 250 pairs of one size and style of shoe. The cost is then accumulated for each lot. On the other hand, the process cost system is applied to industries such as flour mills, br eweries, chemical plants and textile factories. However there are many companies that use both job order and process costing according to their needs. The basic difference between job order costing and process costing is the breadth of the denominator. The denominator of job order costing system is small (e.g.: one painting 100 advertising circulars, one special package machine or one highway bridge). But in the case of process costing, the denominator is large (e.g.: thousands of pounds, gallons or board feet.). Task 2 The importance of developing cost reduction techniques: It helps to enhance management performance or efficiency It helps to know the nature of cost It helps to reduce the cost of operations of the organization It helps to set competitive price of product or service It helps to increase market share in the industry It helps to increase profit or return It helps to enjoy competitive advantage over competitors Proposed costing and pricing systems Basis of Costing Methods Material cost Labor cost Overhead cost Opportunity cost Structure of Costing Costing principles and methodology Fixed and variable cost Direct cost (material and labor) Indirect cost (overhead and activity based costing) Product cost and periodic cost Product cost and sales cost Actual Costing To set actual cost To change to actual cost To analyze variance Evaluation of Project Breakeven analysis Marginal contribution Opportunity cost Payback NPV,DCF, IRR ROI ROC Project Case Pricing How to cost project correctly How to get project approve What cost to exclude Essential cost to include A business case proposal Preparing a Master Budget Master budget is a comprehensive planning document which incorporates several other individual budgets. The operation budget consists of eight individual budgets which are as follows: Sales budget: The sales budget shows the expected sales in units at their expected selling price in a certain period of time. A business firm generally prepares the sales budget for a given period of time on the basis forecasted sales level, production capacity, as well as long and short term goals. Production Budget: Production budget is a plan for obtaining the resources needed to carry out the manufacturing operations of the organization to meet up the expected sales and maintain the expected level of ending inventory. The current production level depends on sales level, units of finished goods ending and beginning inventory. Direct Material Budget: The directed material budget shows the direct materials business firm needs for its production and the budgeted cost. This budget is very much related to production budget. Direct Labor Budget: To prepare direct labor budget and the direct materials budget, production budget is needed. It helps personnel department of the organization to plan for new hires and repositioning of employees. A good labor budget is very helpful for a business firm to avoid urgent hiring and help to prevent the shortage of labor. Factory Overhead Budget: This budget includes all the production costs except for direct materials and direct labor budgets. Manufacturing cost is the cost that varies in direct proportion with the manufactured units and how the business firm carries out its operation. Selling and administrative expenses budget: This type of budget indicates a plan for all non-manufacturing expenses. This budget provides you with a guideline for selling and administrative activities for the period of your budget. Budgeted income Statement: Budgeted income statement is the last part of operational of a master budget. It actually estimates the expected operating income from budgeted operations in a certain period of time. The second part of master budget includes financial budget and financial budget is the combination of following two individual budgets: Cash Budget: A cash budget shows the effect/impact of all the budgeted activities on cash. Through preparing a cash budget, the management of a business firm is supposed to be able to make sure that they have sufficient cash on hand needed to carry out activities. It also helps them to have enough time to plan for any additional financing and plan for investment of surplus cash. Budgeted Balance Sheet: Budgeted balance sheet is the last part in preparing master budget. This budgeted balance sheet shows the expected financial position at the end of the fiscal year (at a point of time) or budget period. It is very important to understand how to prepare a master budget since it helps a business to maximize its profit/return and to have a good handle on their budget period. Potential for the Use of Activity Based Costing ABC system provides highly accurate product or customer cost that a company can use for strategic decision. This system helps to understand the cause effects relationship between day to day activities and product or customer cost and theory aids the operational control purpose of cost management system. Task 3 Calculation of ratio Ratio analysis of Amber Lights ltd for two years is as follows: Last Year a) Return on capital employed = Net Profit/Total capital = 8000/109000 = 7.34% b) Return on ordinary shareholders fund = Net profit/ ordinary shareholders fund =8000/16000 =50% c) Gross profit margin = Gross profit/Net sales = 92000/350000 =26.29% d) Net profit margin = Net profit/Net sales =8000/350000 =2.29% e) Current ratio = Current asset/current liabilities =110000/50000 =2.2:1 f) Acid test ratio =C.A-Closing stock/ current liabilities =110-44/50 =1.32:1 g) Average stock turnover period =Cost of sales/Average Inventory =258000/44000 =5.86 times Period =360/5.86 =61.43 days This Year a) Return on capital employed = Net Profit/Total capital = 12000/117000 = 10.26% b) Return on ordinary shareholders fund = Net profit/ ordinary shareholders fund = 12000/16000 =75% c) Gross profit margin = Gross profit/Net sales =110000/420000 =26.19% d) Net profit margin = Net profit/Net sales =12000/420000 =2.86% e) Current ratio = Current asset/current liabilities =136000/92000 =1.48:1 f) Acid test ratio =C.A-Closing stock/ current liabilities =136000-63000/92000 =.79:1 g) Average stock turnover period =Cost of sales/Average Inventory =310000/63000 =4.92 times Period =360/4.92 Analysis of Operating Efficiency and Profitability The given ratio of Amber Lights ltd. indicates two types of ratio including operating efficiency and profitability. The operating profitability ratio indicates that return on capital employed ratio of last year is 10.26% and this year is 7.34%, return on ordinary shareholders fund ratio of last year is 50% and this year is 75%, gross profit margin of last year is 26.29% and this year is 26.19%, on the other hand, net profit margin ratio is 2.29% and this year is 2.86%.So we can say from the above discussion that operating profitability of two year is very close except ordinary shareholder fund. So this year performance is better than last year. We also see from the operating efficiency ratio that current ratio of last year is 2.20:1 and current year is 1.48:1, acid test ratio of last year is 1.32:1 and current year is .79:1, and average stock turn over period of last year is 61.43 days and this year is 73.17 days. From the given data of last year and the current year of Amber Lights ltd we find that last year performance is better than this year. So from the given data analysis we can say that last year operating efficiency was better than that of current year. Limitation of Ratio Analysis: Although ratio analysis provides important implications, there are some limitations of ratio analysis. The main limitations of ratio analysis are given below: Accounting treatment varies between firms Firms with different divisions operating in different industries make it difficult to find industry ratio analysis Some Results may be in consistent Ratios which are outside an industry range might be cause of much concern. Task 4 Financial Appraisal Methods There are several different appraisal methods and each of those methods has its particular applications, advantages and drawbacks. Simple Payback This is one of the simplest and widely recognized methods of cost/benefit analysis. Payback period is defined as the length of time required to recover the original investment on the project, through cash flows. The cash flows include operating profit, less income tax payable, plus depreciation. Internal Rate of Return It can be said that it is the mostly used method for the financial evaluation of a companys investment. The internal rate of return (IRR) can be defined as the rate of return required to make the present value of future cash flows plus the final market value of the investment, equal to the current market price for the investment. Actually it is a discount rate making the net present value equal to zero. Average Rate of Return The average rate of return is calculated profit after tax divided by book value of investment. Under this method, the entire life of any project is considered. Net Present Value Net present value is one of the discounted cash flow techniques. This method considers time value of money. It is calculated as present value of future cash inflows over the life of the project less present value of cash outflows. Benefit Cost Ratio Benefit cost ratio is another version of net present approach. Under this approach, the benefits from the project are reduced to their present value at a specified rate of discount and this figure is divided by the present value of the cost of the project. Discounted Cash Flow This approach actually represents what a company is willing to pay at the present (today) to receive anticipated cash flow in future years. So it is a process of converting future earnings into todays money. Future cash flows are discounted to demonstrate their present values and determine the value of the project. These are well established and understood appraisal tools to financially evaluate projects. All appraisal methods are not supposed to provide the same result. Increasingly, with the creation of stakeholder value being determined by an organizations environmental and social policies and values, new criteria and perspectives will have to be factored into organizations decision-making process. Strategic Issues in Making Investment Decisions The prime objective of every business organization is to make money for the owners now and in the future. Investment decision plays a significant role in making investment decisions. Both quantitative as well as qualitative issues must be considered in decision making. Short-term decisions are relatively easy on the quantitative side: Would you rather spend $10,000 or $15,000 given the same revenue? Would you rather sell something for $5.00 per unit or $7.00 per unit given the same costs? Would you rather have net income of $60,000 or $50,000? Long-term (investment) decision involves two additional dimensions as follows: Timing Magnitude Discounted Cash Flow Analysis addresses the timing issue. Discounted Cash Flows (DCF Analysis) A dollar today is worth more than a dollar in the future. A dollar in the future is worth less than a dollar today. Steps to DCF To determine future cash flows To determine the appropriate discount rate Higher discount rate = lower present value Lower discount rate = higher present value High risk generally requires greater return Higher risk = higher discount rate Discount the future cash flows by using the selected hurdle rate Compare the present value of the future cash flows to the investment If PV of inflows > PV of outflows, project is acceptable If PV of inflows < PV of outflows, project is rejected NPV = PV of all Inflows PV of all outflows Tools of DCF: PV = to compute the present value of single future amount or a set annuity using a given particular discount rate FV = to compute the future value of a single present amount or a set annuity given a particular discount rate Rate = to computes the particular discount rate needed to convert a present value to a future value or a future value to a present value NPV = to computes the net present value of a series of dissimilar future cash flows given a particular discount (hurdle) rate If NPV > 0, the investment is acceptable If NPV < 0, the investment is rejected IRR = computes the discount (hurdle) rate which makes net present value equal to zero. If IRR > the hurdle rate, the investment is acceptable If IRR < the hurdle rate, the investment is rejected Example: Suppose, company XYZ wants to make investment decision of $ 200000 for a project. The company must justify the PV of cash inflows and compare it with the cash outflows. If the value of PV is greater than cash outflow then the company should accept the project. Conclusion: Cost concept is very essential for decision making process. As the manager is the higher authority of any organization, they are to develop different types of policies and strategy to run the business successfully. So development of cost reduction procedures is one of the most important strategies. It is very important to develop cost reduction procedures because it increases the profit of the firm through reducing cost of production. If the manager cannot control cost their operating expense will be higher and higher and therefore reducing the profit of the firm. A firm which can not control cost cannot sustain in the competitive business world. So to make proper investment decisions financial managers should have clear knowledge about financial principles and techniques for better performance.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Katharina and Petruchio from The Taming of the Shrew by William Shakesp
Katharina and Petruchio from The Taming of the Shrew by William Shakespeare My two favourite characters from the play, The Taming of the Shrew, which was written by William Shakespeare, are Katharina and Petruchio. I find them extremely interesting, not just because they are the main characters, but because of their contrast, chemistry and similarity between them. They go from hating each other at the beginning of the book and by the end, Katharina is obedient, the taming is complete and they are married living happily together. Petruchio has one of the main parts to play in the book as 'the tamer' while Katahrina is alongside him as 'the shrew', which in turn makes up the title of the story. Katharina is very argumentative, disagreeable and violent with all her suitors and indeed Bianca, for example the stage directions say that, "Katharina with a whip stands over Bianca, who crouches by the wall, her hands tied behind her." (Act 2, Scene 1, Stage Directions) This shows that she is extremely violent and willing to beat a confession out of anyone. Because Katharina is this way, no man wishes to marry her, although many of tried. But Petruchio comes along and he finds a challenge and, of course, a fair amount of money to profit from the venture. He is interested in the money from the dowry in particular because he enquires, "Then tell me - if I got your daughter's love, what dowry shall I have with her to wife?" (Act 2, Scene 1, Lines 119 - 120) This shows he is probably more interested in the dowry than in Katharina. Now we know that Petruchio is greedy as well as rich! A good scene to show as an example of both Petruchio and Katharina in conversation is Act 2, Scene 1. While Petruchio is in... ... none shall eat; Last night she slept not, nor tonight she shall not." (Act 4, Scene 1, Lines 182 - 183) This shows us that Petruchio is starving Katharina of her food and also depriving her of sleep. Hopefully this will turn her into a good person! Petruchio mentions one last thing near to the end of his second soliloquy, which tells us exactly why he is doing this: "This is a way to kill a wife with kindness." (Act 4, Scene 1, Line 193) In conclusion I think the two make an entertaining pair, which make the story thoroughly enjoyable for many people. The 'tamer' and 'the shrew' are amazingly similar in different ways and in the end Petruchio and Katharina bonded. Katharina becomes extremely well behaved and obedient even more so than Bianca, the total opposite to what she used to be. The taming of the shrew is complete and thus, the story ends. Katharina and Petruchio from The Taming of the Shrew by William Shakesp Katharina and Petruchio from The Taming of the Shrew by William Shakespeare My two favourite characters from the play, The Taming of the Shrew, which was written by William Shakespeare, are Katharina and Petruchio. I find them extremely interesting, not just because they are the main characters, but because of their contrast, chemistry and similarity between them. They go from hating each other at the beginning of the book and by the end, Katharina is obedient, the taming is complete and they are married living happily together. Petruchio has one of the main parts to play in the book as 'the tamer' while Katahrina is alongside him as 'the shrew', which in turn makes up the title of the story. Katharina is very argumentative, disagreeable and violent with all her suitors and indeed Bianca, for example the stage directions say that, "Katharina with a whip stands over Bianca, who crouches by the wall, her hands tied behind her." (Act 2, Scene 1, Stage Directions) This shows that she is extremely violent and willing to beat a confession out of anyone. Because Katharina is this way, no man wishes to marry her, although many of tried. But Petruchio comes along and he finds a challenge and, of course, a fair amount of money to profit from the venture. He is interested in the money from the dowry in particular because he enquires, "Then tell me - if I got your daughter's love, what dowry shall I have with her to wife?" (Act 2, Scene 1, Lines 119 - 120) This shows he is probably more interested in the dowry than in Katharina. Now we know that Petruchio is greedy as well as rich! A good scene to show as an example of both Petruchio and Katharina in conversation is Act 2, Scene 1. While Petruchio is in... ... none shall eat; Last night she slept not, nor tonight she shall not." (Act 4, Scene 1, Lines 182 - 183) This shows us that Petruchio is starving Katharina of her food and also depriving her of sleep. Hopefully this will turn her into a good person! Petruchio mentions one last thing near to the end of his second soliloquy, which tells us exactly why he is doing this: "This is a way to kill a wife with kindness." (Act 4, Scene 1, Line 193) In conclusion I think the two make an entertaining pair, which make the story thoroughly enjoyable for many people. The 'tamer' and 'the shrew' are amazingly similar in different ways and in the end Petruchio and Katharina bonded. Katharina becomes extremely well behaved and obedient even more so than Bianca, the total opposite to what she used to be. The taming of the shrew is complete and thus, the story ends.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Convict food Essay
For this piece of essay, I am going to write a comparative analysis of chapters one and thirty nine for the Characters Pip and the Convict of Great Expectations. Great Expectation was written in 1860 by a really famous author named Charles Dickens. Not only being famous for writing great expectations Charles was also famous for such books called Oliver twist, A Christmas Carol, Hard Times and David Copperfield. Oliver Twist is still read by children in the 21st century. But sadly ending Charles Dickens life he died in a terrible rail crash. However Charles Dickens is still one of the most famous authors in English history. England was a really different place in the 19th century. At this time there was no free education for poor children they had to work hard at a young age to keep food on their table. Most children worked as coal miners which wasn’t suitable for their age. Where as the rich people in those times were spoilt they had school and were treated as little kings by their parents. If people were really rich they would have had education at home, they had private teachers and the boys were taught to be gentlemen. The girls were taught how to sing play the piano and sew. In the 19th century if a person committed a crime they had to face time in prison and then suffer a terrible death by being hanged or getting executed. But in a new scheme in the 19th century people were also sent to serve time in the new world in the 21st century it is known as Australia. Great Expectations start with a young orphan boy named Pip, who lives with his sister and brother in law. Pip was in the graveyard once visiting his dead parents and siblings. Surprised by a Convict who needed help, Pip was threatened to give the Convict food, drink and a file. A day later Pip stole a pork pie, drink and a file. He gave it to the Convict. He needed the file to escape from the English soldiers who were after him. Later on, the Convict gets caught by the soldiers. He helps Pip by saying to the blacksmith (Pips brother in law) and soldiers that he stole a pork pie and file from the blacksmith. The Convict helped Pip because Pip had given him food and a file. A year later Pip goes to Miss Havisham’s house, to play with her daughter Estella. Pip Grows up. Starts to work as a blacksmith with Joe his brother in law. Pip doesn’t like it. One day a man named Jaggers visited Pip. He tells Pip that some one is giving him money to become a gentleman in London (this happen often in the 19th century, that someone was called a benefactor). Pip goes to London. He visits Jaggers who works as a London lawyer. Jagger’s is not allowed to tell Pip who his benefactor is. Now that Pip is a gentleman he is a bit of a snob. A stranger once visited him. That stranger was the Convict who Pip helped at the start of the story. The Convict tells Pip that he is the benefactor. The Convict gets in Danger. He is in danger because another Convict is after him and wants to kill him. He dies. Pip later on falls in love with Estella. In chapter one Pip is cold. A quote that proves this is ‘small bundle of shivers’. When they talk about small bundle it means Pip is gathered up together and is quite scruffy. Pip is scruffy because he is poor and hasn’t got a mother to provide him with clothes as his sister is a bit of a witch. ‘Small bundle of shivers’ is a metaphor and shivering means Pip is cold. Pip is scared of the Convict. ‘O! Don’t cut my throat, sir’ favours this. Pip is scared because he is being threatened by the Convict and he has always been on his own, also he hasn’t got a shoulder to lean on. Pip is vulnerable. ‘I pleaded in terror’. Pip is always vulnerable because he is an easy target and he has always been picked on as he hasn’t got power over anyone he is very more like a wimp. Pip is respectful to his elders. To prove this it says ‘please, let me keep upright sir’. This shows Pip is respectful because he is using the word ‘Sir’. Pip is fragile. ‘Small bundle of shivers’ is in favour of this. This proves he is fragile because he felt insecure. As you can see that small bundle of shivers is used as a quote by me twice this is the reason that it is a very strong quote because it shows a lot about Pip’s character. Charles Dickens is trying to inform us that Pip is a poor, ragged orphan boy, who dresses scruffy, some one who is defenceless and is easily picked on. In chapter thirty nine Pip is a different Character. Pip is a young wealthy gentleman. ‘I read my watch on the table’ this proves my point. This proves Pip is a gentleman because now he is able to afford a watch in addition he can read to. Pip doesn’t recognise this stranger. To support this it says ‘a face that was strange to me’. This is evident as it is showing Pip doesn’t recognise this stranger anymore because it is a face he has forgotten. Pip is a bit of a snob. ‘Recoiled a little from him’ supports my point. He is acting like a bit of a snob because he is backing away from the Convict who is being affectionate towards Pip. Pip isn’t too comfortable with the Convict after he finds out who he is, he pushes him away. To prove my point it says ‘I laid a hand upon his breast and put him away’. He is pushing him away, since he isn’t feeling comfortable with the Convict, he is being very judgemental because of the way the convict is dressed. The convicts dressed very ragged and scruffy which doesn’t show a good impression towards Pip. Pip is nervous. To favour this quote it says ‘I tried to keep my hand steady while I did so’. This is evident to my point as it shows Pip’s hands are shaking.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
One Lonely Evening Essay
Do Sunflowers have a faster grow faster when watered with clean drinking water from the tap or with rain water collected outside? Hypothesis If both plants receive the same amount of water each day, then the plants receiving rain water would have a faster growth rate. This is rain water has more nutrients in it then regular drinking water. These nutrients would make the sunflowers grow at a faster rate than the sunflowers with regular water. Variables Independent: the type of water, either clean drinking water from the tap. Dependent: the growth of the sunflower. Control: Each plant will receive the same amount of water as any other. Also the plant will receive the same amount of sunlight as each other, lastly the plants will be measured and water at the same time every day. Control of Variables The way that the variables will be controlled are the plants will receive the same amount of water ( ¼ cup daily). This is to insure that they receive a proper amount for the plant to survive. The amount of light that the plants will obtain will be from the sun. The plants are to be placed in the same window to receive the same amount of lights (preferably a bay window). The plants will be measured the same time daily and also watered the same time daily so that there is no confusion that the plants could have had more growth time one day. Also, the plants will be measured with the same ruler every time they are measured to ensure the measurements are equal. Materials The materials needed for this biology lab are: * 10 sunflower seeds per type of water (total of 20) * 20 separate planters * A ruler (for measurement) * Two  ¼ cup for watering the plants * Source of rain water * Source of clan drinking water * Light source, the sun * Soil | Ruler ¼ Cup of waterSunflowerSunflower seedSoilPlanter| Method For starting the lab first place the even amount of soil into the 20 planters. After the planters are equally filled with soil dig a hole in the center of the each planter, 3 cm deep. Place the seeds into the holes that were just dug in the planters, and separate the planters into 10 rain water planters and 10 drinking water planters. When lining the planters up place the planters every other so that they will receive the same amount of light and one not the other receives more than the other (ex. Rain, Tap, Rain, Tap†¦). Be sure to place the planters to a window that receives a large amount of natural light. After the lab is all set up then the plants are to be watered with  ¼ cup every day at the same time daily (a good amount for them so they are not over watered). The seeds will take time to germinate; they should be checked every day. The measuring is to be started after the sunflowers have broken through the soil and are showing above the soil. For the lab the plants are to be measured everyday at 7pm for the growth from the previous day. After the Experiment has gone for 31 days, look at the results and calculate the average for each of the days and also calculate the standard deviations. Conclusion The following experiment supported my hypothesis of sunflowers watered with rain water will grown faster than those watered with clean drinking water from a tap. This is shown in the data I have collected; it is shown when you compare the average heights of the sunflowers during the trials. The average height of the sunflowers being watered in rain water was higher than the flowers being watered in tap water the last day the average height for the flowers watered with rain water was 19.28 cm while the flowers being watered with tap water was only 13.59. Another indication is that the error bars that are shown on the graph are not as large in the rain water as they are in the tap water and also the rain water flowers heights where closer to one another than the flowers being watered in tap water. The flowers being watered with rain water broke the soil earlier and had a much more rapid increase in height than the flowers watered in the tap water. With all this evidence, it is clear that the experiment supported my hypothesis and rain water allows plants to grow faster than regular clean drinking water. Evaluation Evaluating Errors One of the errors is that the length of time that this experiment was conducted in. The experiment was conducted in 31 days; this amount of time was too short because it takes on average for sunflowers to germinate from7-14 days. This length of time is valuable time that is being wasted from the waiting for the flower to geminate. Another error that can be spotted in the experiment is the lighting. This experiment was done in the month of December. This month has one of the shortest day light hours which created some problems with how fast the plants grew because of the lack of light that they have received. Improvements One improvement in that can be made in my experiment is how the plants were watered. They were all watered with a  ¼ measuring cup, but it is hard to have precisely  ¼ cup for each plant. This can be better measured with a larger cup that has the labelling of  ¼ cup on it. This improvement will allow the water to be measured more precise and will allow equal measuring to each plant. The temperature of the water is another improvement that can be obtained in this experiment. The water that was given to the plants during the 31 day duration was not measured for temperature. The temperature of the water can help the plant with its growing. The way that this can be fixed is prior to watering the plants be sure to measure the temperature so that the temperature is always the same and there is no flexibility in the temperature of the water. Last improvement that could be made to allow the experiment to be more precise and accurate is for the collection of more data to occur. The way that this improvement could be placed into the experiment is by either extending the length of time of which the collection of data is recorded, another option would be to collect the data twice daily to allow more measurements to be recorded.
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